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About Us

With over 15 years experience in the audit and assurance sector and our strong client relationship we can deliver outstanding service on-time and at cost-effective rates.

Jaco Vorster | B.Com, CA


Jaco started his career in accounting and audit at a small practice in Port Elizabeth, South Africa and gained some valuable experience in building an accounting & audit practice working close with the partner until moving to Australia in 2008.

Over 10 years of working in audit at 2 high profile mid-tier firms in Australia, Jaco built on his experience in numerous industries with varying entity and engagement types.

One of Jaco’s main strengths is building great working relationships with his clients.

Jaco holds the following qualifications and professional memberships:

  • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ)
  • Registered Company Auditor (ASIC)
  • Approved External Examiner (Legal Services Board)